Environmental Technology, LLC'S (EN TECH's) Management is responsible for the following:
  • Assignment of Scopes of Work to project managers.
  • Principal reviewer of project documents.
  • Project tracking.
  • Corporate Health and Safety Administrator.
  • Regulatory Interaction and Negotiations.
  • Loss Prevention.

In addition to managing the services described, the management will be available to assist in the development of project scope of work, budgets and reviewing various alternatives for project implementation.  The President is also responsible for administering EN TECH’s Corporate Health and Safety Program.  This includes, but is not limited to, the following items:

  • Site-specific health and safety plans–developed in accordance with EN TECH’s Health and Safety Program.
  • Current health and safety training for all affected employees.
  • Maintaining employees’ medical monitoring records.
  • Maintaining a current hazard communication program.
Support Services

EN TECH’s Support Services will assist the President and EN TECH’s technical staff in meeting your needs.  The duties and responsibilities of EN TECH’s administrative, accounting and legal support services are briefly described below.
Administrative Services

Administrative Services is responsible for report and correspondence preparation, document control, storage and retrieval, and document transfers.  Document preparation includes an in-house review process for grammar, technical merit, and loss prevention before release.  All incoming documents are stamped with the date of receipt.  An electronic logging system is maintained to track all documents received and transmitted by EN TECH.  All correspondence and reports are stored as hard copies as well as electronic files.  All electronic files are automatically backed up to the cloud.

Accounting Services

Accounting Services is responsible for project cost accounting, client invoicing, subcontractor invoice payment and project cost tracking reports.  Accounting records are stored electronically on a system separate from Administrative Services and automatically backed up to the cloud.
Legal Services

EN TECH retains Legal Services when needed for various issues such as liability, contracts and indemnity.  Additionally, EN TECH has retained legal counsel for advice and interpretation of changing environmental statutes.
Senior Technical Oversight Group

The Senior Technical Oversight Group consists of EN TECH’s most experienced staff members who are professional registrants. Their duties and responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing project scope of work and assisting the President in assigning project managers.
  • Providing technical guidance to project managers.
  • Senior technical review of all EN TECH project reports and correspondence.
  • Technical oversight of work performed by other consultants or subcontractors.
  • Regulatory negotiations.

The senior-level members are an extension of the project managers in the field and are responsible for:

  • Directing the efforts of subcontractors in the field such as drillers and mobile laboratory personnel,
  • Making observations and collecting data,
  • Making recommendations to the project manager,
  • Ensuring that the site-specific health and safety plan is carried out, and
  • Report preparation.
Assessment/Remediation Group
The Assessment and Remediation (A/R) Groups consist of EN TECH’s project managers and senior level geologists, engineers and scientists.  They are directly responsible for the planning and implementation of all phases of assessment and remediation, and the costs associated with carrying out these activities.  The project managers are directly responsible for:
  • Development of task assignments including cost estimates.
  • Implementing the approved Scope of Work on time and in budget.
  • Project Tracking.
  • Preparing site-specific health and safety plans.
  • Report preparation.
Risk Assessment/Modeling

The A/R Groups have the option of utilizing risk assessment at any stage of the site investigation.  Risk assessment for site investigations typically involve fate and transport modeling to determine site-specific soil clean up levels that consider the impact to human health and the environment.
  • Develop baseline risk assessment and conceptual site models
  • Determine preliminary corrective action goals
  • Identify the risk or potential toxic effect from exposure to contaminates at a site.
Technical Support Staff
The A/R Groups utilizes the services of EN TECH’s Technical Support Staff to assist in implementation of the approved Scope of Work.  Those activities include but are not limited to:
  • Site reconnaissance.
  • Monthly water level and free product measurements.
  • Quarterly groundwater sampling.
  • Purge water and drill cutting disposal.
  • Collection of hand-augered soil samples.
  • Collection of compliance air samples.
  • Making observations and collecting data.
  • Calibration and routine maintenance of field instruments such as PID, interface probes, water level meters, and pH/conductivity meters.
  • Performing field activities in accordance with the site-specific health and safety plan.
  • Oversight of remedial excavation and waste disposal.
Field Services
The A/R Groups utilize Field Services to provide the management expertise for remedial construction projects.  These projects include but are not limited to:
  • Management of the installation of soil ventilation systems, air strippers, thermolytic oxidizers, catalytic oxidizers and associated piping and electrical installation.
  • Start-up, troubleshooting and maintenance of remediation systems.
Subcontractor Services
Because EN TECH is a professional consulting firm, we do not own or operate drilling equipment or provide laboratory services.  These services and others are subcontracted to firms that specialize in these fields.  A complete listing of our subcontractors, key personnel, their licenses and/or certifications, and the number of years that EN TECH has been associated with them is available upon your request.