Mr. Skocypec has work experience with environmental projects since 1990 and experience with managing tank closures, LUST site characterizations, and corrective actions since 1993. His technical specialties include conceptual site model (CSM) development, initial project planning, site characterization and subsequent fate and transport evaluation to design and implement remedial alternatives for vapor, soil, surface water and groundwater including but not limited to: LNAPL recovery; excavation and disposal; soil vapor extraction, air sparge, air strip, phytoremediation, permeable reactive barrier, in-situ bioremediation and in-situ chemical oxidation/reduction. Formulate risk-based corrective action approaches that assess time constraints, proposed/final land use and economic feasibility which include the evaluation and implementation of cost-effective, proven or innovative technologies to achieve site-specific remedial objectives. Performed numerous facility assessments, remedial investigations, feasibility studies, pilot tests, remedial design/construction and treatment system operation, monitoring, maintenance and optimization under RCRA, ADEQ and various other state environmental regulatory programs including AZ, NM, NV, NJ, TX, PA, and WY. Prepared updated spill prevention, containment, and countermeasures plans (SPCC plans) for Morton Salt and conducted drywell and storm water drainage studies for the City of Phoenix Aviation at the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. Mr. Skocypec received his B.S. in Geophysical Engineering from Colorado School of Mines, A.S. in Hazardous Materials Management from Front Range Community College, and a M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology. Mr. Skocypec holds Professional Engineer licenses in AZ, NV, NM, PA and Texas, and is a Registered Geologist License in AZ and a Registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming. Additionally, Mr. Skocypec is a Certified Professional Geologist.