Mr. Kennedy joined EN TECH in 1990 and has been a staunch supporter of technical excellence, regulatory compliance, and quality product from his initial days with the company. Mr. Kennedy became President of EN TECH in January 2017. Mr. Kennedy originally served as EN TECH’s Technical Marketing Manager and has developed an extensive and diverse client base. Mr. Kennedy received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Resources Management from Pennsylvania State University. Mr. Kennedy has been working in environmental services since 1978, with direct UST/LUST project experience since 1986. He is an active member of the Arizona Petroleum Marketers Association, Legislative and UST Committees. Mr. Kennedy also served on a variety of task force and stakeholder groups working with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). Mr. Kennedy is a Registered Environmental Manager, certified by the National Registry of Environmental Professionals, and a Certified Safety Environmental and Emergency Manager, certified by the Office of Infrastructure Preparedness. Mr. Kennedy is a member of the ASTM E-50 committee for review and voting on ASTM standards, including revisions.